Tuesday, August 22, 2023

Extreme Ownership

At the beginning of 2022, I told myself I'd read more books. My goal was to finish 10 books by the end of the year. While I went through quite a bunch of books, now I'm using this blog to share the cool stuff I learned from them. It's like chatting about the neat things I found in these books.

One of the books, which I thoroughly enjoyed reading was "Extreme Ownership" by Jocko Willink and Lief Babin. The book takes us deep into the world of Navy SEALs' experiences, unraveling powerful leadership principles that transcend the battlefield and extend to the realms of business, decision-making, and personal development.

This post is a humble attempt to sum up what I've learned from the book. It's definitely worth going over again to remind myself of the ideas. Maybe this is also a bit for my own benefit, just so I can refresh these concepts.

I would like to tabulate the learning from each of the chapters. Each chapter follows a consistent template: it presents a brief war zone incident, highlights the underlying philosophy, and then applies that philosophy to a real-life business case.

"Extreme Ownership" isn't just a regular book; it's like a guide for leaders, business folks, and anyone who wants to get better in life. In the stories about Navy SEAL missions, Willink and Babin show how being a strong leader can be learned even when things get super tough. They draw a clear picture of how good leadership is made when you face really hard challenges.

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