hmmm will start from the day i was cos i was sick ...had respiratory infection...thats what my medical report says...the following sunday i didn take mock was a easy paper i heard....but anyways big difference to performance across all types of exams is the same....its always bad..:))..hope the final will not continue the trend...
applied for IIFT..(indian institute of foreign trade)....i'll do my major in Import & Export and minor in smugggling..:))
The following week was painful..i recovered from illness..but because of a SC(sadistic creature) in office got always bugs me to update status ..i never commit the end afraid if i continue writing about this this will be more like a swearsaurus....
Last week i dumped about 25k into shares...19.5k for sasken IPO...still not listed....huh it was over subscribed 78 desperate to get those...these days ipo are hot ..instant profit....last week i put 6800/- i got 13600+...
Last Sunday's mock was like "jhorsa jatka dheerey sey lagi"..paper was fruit..but I screwed it very badly..i did all sorts of mistakes ...high light is.15x3=75...even after exam i was wondering why i got of my frenz has redefined maths...he did 3 power 6=9....hmmm the exam tension makes u do all this type of mistakes and the TIME faculty are so inteligent that these mistakes will be one of the options..thats it...
The coming MOck i'll try a different strategy(secret!!!)...this time will crack the paper...hee what confidence...
Now the best part ...last three days the market(sensex) went down badly....ok its not thatbad...All these days BHEL which was around 1150..came down to i though it will be good buy...i put an order for 3shares@1030 and 2@1034..dont ask me y i did like this... cos of lack of funds had to do that..but it went up to earnings per alot compared to dumping money in bank(any bank) speculating it to go up atleast 1140 tomorrow...this is todays market...

one more surprising thing..theres a scrip APOSIN (Apollo Sinduri).. which is listed at BSE.. day before yesterday in cnbc some one said the stock price will go up by 100 the next day ......thats got locked and no one in market is ready to sell the share..i tried a lot for putting a buy order nothing worked.....and the worst of all is ICICI bank..the worst bank..there customer service is too bad...the web site gets stuck and the callcentre also never gets connected...hmm..what else...this month end Amar Remedies Limited is coming with IPO...i read their offer document..i feel investing in that one is like forgetting the money we invest...will what else..nothing more...will update soon about the result.... not my mockcat's..